Sunday, April 19, 2015

Middle School Math in Action: Bungee or Bust

Students in Suzanne Zurcher’s recent math classes were particularly excited about data collection. Who could blame them? Water balloons were involved! The class had just completed its study of linear equations, including how to find the equations of a line when given two points that fall on that line. Each group was given a "bungee buddy” (water balloon) that had a rubber band attached. The students’ mission was to send their new balloon buddy bungee jumping without breaking it.
Using data collected in class and drawing a line of best fit, the students determined the equation of the line and then made the prediction of the number of rubber bands they needed to make the balloon drop about 465 centimeters (the distance from the top of the Middle School stairwell near the Business Office to the ground) before springing back. The goal was to have the balloon come as close to the ground as possible with touching before it springs back. Zurcher reports, “This project allowed the students to use their study of linear equations to make predictions in a real life situation and have some fun at the same time!”

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