The new tropical storm is named Karen. Coincidence? We think not. Better get on those apps & essays b4 Mason comes for you #totaldestruction
That time when we had 100 followers and we were all like "Everyone wants this. Everyone wants to be us." #collegecounselingwearsprada
Test scores don't get to colleges via carrier pigeons or your counselor #sendthem #doitnow #besidespigeonssmell
#truthbomb:We had more fun at counselor school than Schellhas at morning meeting on Oktoberfest day #whatevergummiebears #wemetFiske
"But Ms.Kennedy I was just checking to see when @WakeForest1834 @HamiltonCollege @colgateuniv will be here" -GA student #phonetaken #bummer
"There is nothing I would rather be doing on this beautiful Sunday than working on my college essays." - GA Senior #truthbomb #planahead